The Complete Guide to Cows
...:::/// THE RETURN OF THE COWS \\\:::...
Part 3 of the 5-part COMPLETE GUIDE TO COWS!
(oo) ( We're back! )
/-------\/ --'\________________________/ * SUMMER 1991 ISSUE! *
/ | ||
* ||----|| Edited by David A. Bader
^^ ^^ Please send your submissions to:
Cow [email protected]
|^^^^| ( Dammit, Jim, I'm a )
| | ( doctor, not a butcher!)
@| Oo (---------------------))
(MM) | ._> (__) )
(oo) \ / (oo)
/-------\/ /--------- /-------\/
/ | || / | || / I * II
* ||----|| * ||-----|| * II----II
^^ ^^ ^^ ^^
Cowabunga! Bart Simpcow Dr. Bones McCow
________________ (__)
// (__)(__)||(__)\\ (oo)
// (oo)(oo)||(oo) \\ /-------\/
// \\"\/""\/"||"\/"/ \\ / //____\\
/ ============||=======\\ * // \\
(| |- ||- ||)
|________|_____||________||/ ***********
\-( O )----------( O )--/ **** ***
--- --- *** *
Cowpool ******
*** *
(__) *** ***
(oo) ******
/ | || Cow jumping over the moon
* ||----||
^^ ^^
Cow smoking a pipe
o o o o o o o
o o o o o o o o
(__) o o o o o o
(oo) o o o o o o
/-------\/___() o o o o
/ | ||
* ||----||
^^ ^^
Cow blowing bubbles from a pipe
* * * o @ ~ *
* * * , o * * *
(__) * * * . * o
(oo) * * ) . *
/-------\/ * -(*)- ~ @ *
/ | || (
* ||----||
^^ ^^
Cow star-gazing
/ | ||
* ||----||
^^ ^^
Cow wishing upon a star
________ _______
(__) / \ (__) / \
(oo) ( Squeak!! ) (oo) ( !oMo! )
/-------\/ --'\________/ /-------\/ --'\_______/
/ | || / | ||
* ||----|| * ||----||
~~ ~~ ~~ ~~
A Cow-mon Dyslexic
Mistake Cow @@@@@
@@\0 0/@@
(o o)
___________________________ ** |U| **
/ / / / ***( )***
/ /__________/ / // \ / \\
/ / // *** \\
/ / *******
/ / ***********
/ / ***************
/ 3.5" 135tpi / *******************
/__________________________/ *********************
Cow Stored as Binary
Information. Cow Belle
(___) (___) (___)(___)
(o o) * (o o) (o o)(o o)
/------\ / (__) \_(--) /------\ / \ /-----\
/ ____O (oo) / (**)\ / (__)_O O___ \
( )/----\----\/ ( / \/\ ) ( )(oo)--\---/--/( )
/\oo===| / ~ || \\ / /\oo==@/|| ~ \~ |===oo/\
| || ||~-----|| |||~~|| | || ||-----~|| || |
* || || || ||| || * || || || || *
~~ ~~ ~~ ~~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~
Cows at a garden party
* (__) .
\ (oo) .'
...\------\/ '.
(__) (__) . (__) || (__)
(oo) (oo) . (oo)----|| (oo)
/-------\/ /------\ / /-------\/ ^^/-------\/
/ | || / | |\/ / | || \| ||
* ||----|| * ||----|| * ||----|| *><----><
^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^
Cow Cow feeling Cow feeling Cow feeling
pissed off pissed on pissed
(__) * (__) * (__) ( )
(oo) \ (oo) \ (OO) ( )
/-------\/ ..\-------\/ \-------\/ ( ( )
/ | || . | || / \\ ( ) )
* ||W---|| . ||----|| //------\\ ( )
^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^
Cow about to Cow giving Cow who's just Cloud of dust where
give milk U.H.T. milk seen a McDonalds same cow was before
(__) (__) s * )__(
(oo) (@@) s / (oo)
/-------\/ /-------\=== (__) \--___--\/
/ | || / | || /------(xx) | |
* ||----|| * ||----|| * \ /\/ /\----/ \
WWWWWWWWWWWWW ^^ ^^ ===----==== ^ ^ ^ ^
Cow standing in Cow SMOKING Dead cow Mad Cow
long grass grass
(__) (__) (___) * (___)
(00) (oo) (@ @) \ (* *)
/-------\/ /-------\/ /-------\ / \-------\ /
/ | || / | || / | |O | |O
* ||----|| * ||O---|| * ||O---|| ||@>--||
^^ ^^ [__]. ^^ [__]. ^^ ^^ ^^
Norwegian cow Calf having Calf making Same bull after
drink mistake calf went away
(__) * (__) (__) (__)
(DD) \ (xx) (oo) (oo)
/-------\/ \-------\/ /-',',', \/ /-------\/
/ | || | || ./,|',',',',' / | (+) ||
* ||----|| ||----|| |''''''| * ||----||
^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ~~ ~~ ^^ ^^
Cow watching Cow having a Jersey Cow The "bummer of
above bull sexual fantasy a birthmark" Cow
(with due accowlades
to Gary Larson
-\ /- (The Far Side))
(oo) _________
/------- \/ | \ /|X|
./ | , | - -X- - |
|------| |/______\_|
/ __ \\
// / \ __ \\\
/// / \ \\\\
Highland Cow
________ \
|########| \
|########| \
--------\ \
(__) | \
(oo) | \ ______________________
\/ | | |
/+++\ o | |
/+++++\ | ____ |
~ #/##\#~ \ | / To | |
/ ii \ \ | \ W.C.| |
~~ ~~ \ | ---- |
\ | |
\ |
In"cow"tinent \|------------------------
(__) (oo) /-------\/ / | || * ||----|| ^^ ^^
A well adjust(1)ed Cow
^^ ^^
/ | ||
* ||----||
An ass-sort(1)-ed Cow
>ysP -"JlAe B x
A compress(1)ed Cow
awk: Usage: awk [-f source | 'cmds'] [files]
An awk(1)ward Cow
begin 644 cow
M"B @(" @(" @("A?7RD*"2 H;V\I"B @+RT
M+2TM+2U<+PH@+R!\(" @("!\[((;? HJ("!\?"T
M+2U\? H@("!>7B @("!>7@H*
uuencoded cow
/ |===w=||_|OO ... .... (bullets,where w=gun)
* ||----|
^^ ^
this is the cowboy-cow, in case u are wondering 'where
the hell is the horse then ?', let me
inform u that it too needs recreation and
has gone to play man-shoes !!
| | (__) \
| | (oo) |
| | /-------\/ \____ Cow'ndom
| | / | || ____) Use it to prevent AIDS
| | * ||----|| /
| | ~~ ~~ |
| |___________________________/
|[] ________ ________ ------ ________ ________ ________ ------
/ | (oo) | | (oo)| |[][]| |(oo) | |oo)(oo| |(oo) | |[][]| |
| | _\/__| |___\/_| |[][]| |_\/___| |\/__\/| |_\/___| |[][]|
|--------------------------| |--------------------------------|
| | | | |
Cow-st liner
(__) [ ]
(oo) /-_-
|| |
~~ ~~
(__) *]
/-------\/ ~~____________________________________________
/ | // ||\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/||
* ||------+ ||/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\||
~~ ||\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/||
[ ] (__)
-_-\ ( )
| ||
~~ ~~
Andrei Ag-cow-si
(oo) (oo)
Cowaxial Cable
(__) (__)
( V V ) (oo)
(>O O<) /-------\/
( A A ) / | ||
/-------\/ * ||----||
/ | || | \ | \
* ||----|| V> V> V> V>
^^ ^^
Tammy Fae Baker's c
ow Imelda Marcos' cow
++ ++
(__) | 1 2 3 | (__)
(oo)O | 4 5 6 | (oo)
/-------\/o/ | 7 8 9 | /-------\/__
/ | |__/~~~~~~| * 0 # | / | |__\/ \~~~~~~~/
* ||----| +-------+ * ||----| \_____/
^^ ^ ^^ ^
Cattle call Cow punch
(__) / _
(oo) / / \
-\/-/ | + |
/\__/_| (___) |___|
/ / (o o) (o o)
| / /_______\ / /-------\ /
\ _ / / |-,---||O / | ||O
| | * || || * ||,---||
^ ^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^
Cow Ripken Bullemic Papal Bull
___ ___
\ \ \ \
(___) ___\__\__\__\__
(o o) | O O O O O O|
--\ /----+-------------+-------/
| O /
\ /
___ ( I MOO-ON MY WAY )
_|___|_ //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
v v ( uu| '
/ (___) \ /\_c|
| (o o) | / \ C#=}~|
\_\ /_/ | ) \ (___) _____
| O | | | o | (- -) / zzz |
| | \ | | | /-------\ / ---<______/
/~~~\ [_] o ] / | ||O
/ \ | / \| * ||,---||
~~|~~|~ L_/ | ^^ ^^
| | || || Bulldozer
\ \ || ||
Le Bullet Russe
Dick Tracy's Cow
| ==================================
| = =
| = _____ =
| = ______ / \ =
| = / \ | \ =
| = / ||\ (__) =
|## (__) m m = (__) __ || \ (oo) =
| ## (oo) / / = (oo) / \||(__) \/ =
| ## |\/ / / = \/ (__) ||(oo) =
| ## | / / m m = (oo) || \/ =
| ## \ \ / / = \/ || =
| ## \ / / = || =
| ## \ / / = || =
| ## \-- = || =
| ## | = || =
| ## --* = || =
|____________##_______________ = || =
= || =
## = =
## = cow-cow nut =
## = =
## = =
## ==================================
Cow-sine wave
Cow tipping:
Step 1. Step 2.
/-------\/ O--------O_
/ | || /| :: |_)
* ||w---|| * O--------O
~~ ~~
(__) ________ * *
(oo) ====________| * *
/-------\/ /\
/ | || / \ *
* ||----|| / \
~~ ~~ / \
A Cowsmologist
\ / _ /\ ' '_______ ' '
/\/______\/ / \ '/_/_|_\_\ '
| (__) /('')\ ' |(__) '
*---|______(^^) /-------\/ ' |(oo) '
\/ / | || ' ' J \/ '
* ||----||
Cowt-of-order ~~ ~~ Cow in Bergen, Norway
(Me-cow-nical failure) Cowloon (Rains 300+ days a
(___) ________
.____ (o o) / \ )
/ \ / --| UGGGGH! |
/ || O \________/
/ / ||
/ / ||
/_____/__, ||
*------'---------' ~~
Sitting Bull Bull's Eye
(___) / ...The President then \
(o o) / had to take into serious \
/-------\ / ----| consideration what implica- |
/ | ||O \ tions it would have for.../
* ||,---|| \_________________________/
~~ ~~
Bull-etin from the White House.
%% %% %% %%
|| || || ||
|| || || ||
|| || _ (_) \o/ || ||
|| || /|_|(_) | || ||
The Roman Cowliseum...where ancient Christians were fed to
vicious beasts...
| \ (___)
| \ (__) (__) (~ )
*----|---------------(oo) (oo) (o o)
| ______ |\/ /-------$/ /-------$/
|___/ /_____| / | ^^ || / | ||
/ / \____/ / / * ||-----| * ||------|
/ > > / ^^ ^ ^^ ^
> > MacCow MosCow
Stelth Cow
vv vv /
|| (__)
/\||_______|| (xx)
(Xx) \/
Cow by Georgia O'Keefe
Dead Cow
__/---\ //\\
<__/-(__) o/||\o
(oo) (oo) //o||\\\
/-------\/ /--\/ o///||o\\o
/ | || / -- ||
* ||----|| || =====
^^ ^^
A Christmas Cow-el
The Butcher of Baghdad Karen Cowpenter
(Saddam Holstein)
(__ (__) (__) | | (__)
(oo) (--) (--) | | (--)
/-------\/ /-------\/ /o /-------\/ | I \/-------\
/ | || / | L |----< o / | D |----<T I>----| M | \
* ||----|| * ||----| / o * ||----| I I |----|| *
^^ ^^ ^^ ^ | ^^ ^ | ^ ^^
| |
Cow owned by
Vincent Van Gough Teenage Mutant Ninja Cows
\\ //
\\( )// (__)
(o o) ( ) /(oo)\
\ / (oo) / \/ \
/ \ ##########\/ / /\ \
| | # ######## # / / \ \
\___/ * # ###### # | | | |
// | \\ # # # # | | | |
// \\ |___| |___|
" " Mosscow Cowderoys
( ) (==) |
(oo) __ /------\/- *
/---*-.---\/ (oo) / | | \/|
/ |* . * .|| /-------\/ * | |
* ||------|| : :: |===|===|
~~ ~~ ::----:: ^^ ^^
^^ ^^
Cow w/ cowpox Boris Cowlile Cow on Graduation day
/\ /
\/ (__) / \ | /
|| <''> / \ | /
(_||_) \/ /^ _____ ___ _____
__\||/__ #=======> | _ /(o o) \
| /xx\ | ( )==/ (_)------/---\ / \
__\xx/__| I____I | ||
/ww\ ,---( _ ) .
/| |\ / || \_=======|| oo oo
|^ ^| ||
^ ^ || heli-COW-pter
COW giving birth The Ninja Cow
* (__)
\ (oo) ________(__)_
\---------------\/ |COW-SIO (oo) | (_--_)
| 0.0 | | _______\/ | /*__*\
|---------------| | |_________| | * __|(oo)|_
| C CE ^ - | | | \/--( \|==|/ )
| 7 8 9 + | | C = / * | | \ /
| 4 5 6 * | | 7 8 9 - | \ \ | | | |
| 1 2 3 / | | 4 5 6 + | | |-\ /-\ /
| 0 . = | | 1 2 3 | ^ ^ ^ ^
| || | 0 . = | NFL Dallas "COWBOY"
||-----------|| |_____________|
^^ ^^
Cow-culater Cow-culator
(__) (__) (__) (__)
(oo) (oo) (oo) (oo)
/-------\/ /-------\/ /-------\//-------\/
/ | || / | || /| || /| ||
* ||----||* ||----||* ||----||* ||----||
^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^
(__) (__) (__) (__)
($$) (&&) (YY) (%%)
/-------\/ /-------\/ /-------\/ /-------\/
/ | || / | || / | || / | ||
* ||----|| * ||----|| * ||----|| * ||----||
^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ .. .. $& #Y
USA'$ cow GB'& cow JP'y cow Bank'% cow
| |
| INDIANA 45 |
| | |
| PURDUE 52 | |
|_____________| |
\/\/\/ \\
\/\/ \\
(__) __ \\
(oo) /)(\ \\
* / \/_/~\__/ ||
\ / __/~ ||
\/ / ||
| _/ ||
| | ||
~ ~ ------
. .
. . (__)
(___) . (___) . (oo)
(o o) . (- -) . /-------\/ 5+2=?
\ / . \ / . / ! !!
Q.. Q.. * !!----!!
^^ ^^
smokin' cow waisted cow cow who cow'nts
(__) (__)
(00) ( )
/----------------\/ \/---------------\
/ | | | | \
* ||-----------|| |||----------||| *
^^^ ^^^^ ^^^ ^^^
| |
| |
| |
| |
* |
^^^ ^^^
^ (___)
_- --/ - '\ ^ |*-*|
_________/_________ ^____ _ \o/'-\
" /| \ / U |
(__) ' /_| _ - \/\ | /
|@@| | | //
\/'--------.__/ | C/
| / \---/
//'---\/|| |/\ |
|| || || ||
|| ||
|| ||
Cool Cow
(__) (__) |
(oo) ($$) |__ /---------o*o
/---------------------\/ /-------\/---|| / | ||
/ | | | | | || / | | || * ||-----||
* ||--||--||--||--||--|| * ||----| -- ^^ ^^
^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^
Cowterpillar Yuppie cow with Cow that was
mobile phone. by head-shrinkers
((( ))))
(( ( ))) ( ) I'm a cow, man !
( ( ) ) ) ^^^^^ /
( ( ( )))) | | _/
( ( / ) ) ) O O /
( ( \\ ) ) ) \ C / -
( : // ) ) ~
: : / \
: : O / | | \
: : ( | | )
: : \ \___/ /
: : (__) W/ \W
: : (oo) /|_n_|
: : ----\/ / || ||
: : :: | () ()
: : ---:: * || ||
------------^^ VV VV
Newton's Cow
(aka Mooton) Bart Cow
>(__) This cow will make all those desisions for you by changing
(oo) color according to the action you should take.
/ | || If this cow appears to be:
* ||----||
^^ ^^ GREEN: Yes, Go ahead
MAKING COW. WHITE: No, unless it is raining.
AMBER: Buy a better monitor/terminal
GRAY: Adjust your contrast/brightness control
BLACK (on black): Turn terminal/monitor on.
BLACK (on white): Lucky git!
ANY OTHER COLOR: Send terminal/monitor to repairer's,
/~~\ +
) ( \__/ O O
( o)\ ========== o_o_o
* \o / / {__} \ (___)
\ \/-----\ / (**) \ (___)
\----- || \ \ \/ / (___)
$ | --|| * \"mon / ( 00
||-vv-- ~~ \ parfum"/ \_ |
~~ ======== \_o
Pablo Picowsso Paloma Picowasso King Cowles II
______ ___________
: Oui? : : :
_______ 'v-----' : CORNED :
: Nee! : (__) : BEEF :
'------v' (oo) :_________:
/ : :: An exercise found in a text book of quantum
* ::----:: mechanics: "solve the Schrodinger equation
^^ ^^ of a cow in a box. Please, pay attention on
the boundary conditions!"
Belgian Cow
/ : :: (/\)
* ::----:: /oo\ (__)
XX======^^====^^==>> /-----/____\ (--)
X US MISSILE >> / | || /--------\/
X Greetings >>> * ||----|| / \ | \__
X George >> ~~ ~~ * /__-------__|
XX================>> ~ ~
Cow klux klan Cow resting
Irakean Cow
COW ------------| o\
| )O-------------- MOO
-----|____/ /
\ /
\ / (____)
\ / \( )
\ / |\( )
\ / \ \( )
\ / \ \( )
X |\ \( )
/ \ | \ \( )
/ \ \ \(____)
/ \ \|_o_o_|
/ \ | |
/ \ | |
/ ___() \
-----| o\ \ cow chip
| |O-------------- ~MOO
BULL ---------- |____/
Cow Flop (new flip-flop, patent pending)
( ) ( )
\ / \ /
\___/ \___/
(o o) (o o)
/-------------\o/ /-------------\o/
/ | ||
/ | ||
* ||-,--------|| * ||@\\-------||
|| || || \\ ||
~~ ~~ ~~ ~~
Texas Longhorn Steer Texas Longhorn Bull
(__) ( ) (__)
(oo) / (oo)
_______\/ / \ _______\/
/ / \ /| |
/ | || / \ / || ||
* ||-__-|| (_____________) * ||----||
^^ ^^ ^^ ^^
Pregnant Cow Hanger De-calf-inated
(__) (__) iiiiIiiii
(oo) (oo) '|o o|'
/---------\/ ---------\/ ________\_/
/| | || / | || / | |
* |__|-----|| //____\-----|| # ||ww____||
|| || * || || || ||
~~ ~~
cow-boy cow-girl Happy Hannucow!
(or a Sco(w)ttish cow-boy)
\_ ^
\ | **~~~~~~~
_____) \___ | **~~~~~~~
__/ \__ (__) | ~~~~~~~~~
_/ \ (oo) | ~~~~~~~~~
/ ____ ( ) \/ |
/ / __/ \__ |o o| /( \/|
/| ||_/ \ \ / ( ) |
^^^^^^^^^"^// /^^^^^^^^^^^^^\ \\^^^^^^^^^^ /~\ |
// / | ||
[][] [][] Patriotic Cow
/ \
/ \
| |
/ * * \
/ ** * \
/ * ** \ **
/ * * \ ** **
. . . | | * * <--- the world
. . / **** \ * *
. . . / * * \ ** **
. . . / **** \ **
. / * * \
. | |
. / **** \
. / * \ . .
. / **** \ . .
/ * \ . .
/ **** \
| | . . .
| **** |
| * * | . . .
| **** | . . .
| * * | . . .
|------------------------------| . .
| (__) (__) (__) (__) (__) | . .
. /| (oo) (oo) (oo) (oo) (oo) |\
/ | /\/\ /\/\ /\/\ /\/\ /\/\ | \ . . .
. / |=|==|==|==|==|==|==|==|==|==|=| \ .
. / | | | | | | | | | | | | \ .
/ USA | ~||~ ~||~ ~||~ ~||~ ~||~ |NASA \ .
| ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ |______| .
. (______________||______________) . .
. /_\ /_\ . . .
!!! !!!
The herd shot 'round the world.
(_ _)
___ (o o)
(__) _- -_( )
(++) /- O O
/____O/ / | ||
/| || * ||-___-||
* ||--|| ~~ ~~
~~ ~~
This cow belongs to This cow belongs to
Mr. Bill Rosanne Barr
| -------------- |\
(__) (__) "slurp" /|| || \
(oo) (oo) / ||milkfat 1% || \
/-------\/ \/-------\ * * ||______________|| /
/ | || \__/ || | \ * |________________|/
* ||----|| | | ||-----|| * * || ||
~~ ~~ |__| ~~ ~~ * ~~ ~~
cowoperation ----------------------
/ - - - - - - - - --- /
/ - - - - - - - - --- /
(oooo) personal cowmputer
oo( -0 )oo
/ ------------ \/
/ | | /|
/ | ----\_/ | / |
> < ||| ||| / |
||| ||| |/ |
~~ ~~ \ |
Wendy Wellesley Cow- /| // (__)
note the shapely figure and painted / /\// (oo)
hooves---and the sexy wink reserved | | / /-------\/
for MIT men. | / / | ||
| / * ||----||
| / ^^ ^^
_____ * |/ breacowt!
(_____) /
( OO )_____________ /
(/~~\) ######### \/ |\------------\
\O_/ * * * * |= = = = = =|- SCUD )
| ######### | |/------------/
| |__________| |
|| | || |
|| | || |
~~~~ ~~~~
Saddam moo-sein
(__) (__) _____/
/| (oo) _ (oo)/----/_____ *
_o\______/_|\_\/_/_|__\/|____|//////== *- * * -
/_________ \ 00 | 00 | /== -* * -
[_____/^^\_____\_____|_____/^^\_____] *- * -
\__/ \__/
(()) (()) ||||
(oo) (oo)
/------\/ (OO) /------\/
/| | /------\/ /| |
* ||----||
/| | * ||----||
^^ ^^ * ||----|| ^^ ^^
^^ ^^
Don King cow Don King cow after Buckwheat cow
getting electric shock (Otay? Otay!)
/ \ (__) __
(oo) (oo) (oo)
/------\/ /-ooo--\/ /------\/
/| | /|o | o | /| |
* ||----|| * ||o^o || * ||----||
^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^
"Conehead" cow Anti-war cow Sinead O'Connor Cow
o o - -
O Moo!!!!
ghost-cow sleeping ghost-cow
Cow-nty Police Officer Cow-nty Police Car
[___] ____|___|____
(o o) / [__] \
/------------\-/ / (oo) \
/ | ||^ |V / |\/| \
| | <**> | |-----------------|
* -----/\------ | Cow-Price |
|| O O || |_________________|
|| || \_________________/
|| || | | | |
oo oo |__| |__|
(With gun and Handcuffs)
(it's a Cow-Price)
(Classic of course)
\ /
\ /
(__) \ (__) /
/\/\_(oo) \ /\/\_(oo) /
// == \ // == /
/ | /\/\|| \ / | /\/\|| /
* || || \ * || || /
^^ ^^ \___^^____^^_____/
Silly cow
(his father was a camel) Sillycow-valley.
___ __ __ _
(( /\ (__) ( /\/ \(__) (__) //
\\ /\ (oo) \ /\\/(oo) _(oo) //
,----\ /\--\/ ,----\ /\--\/ /----/ \\/ //
( ) ) ) // || ( ) ) ) // || / ||-- ( ) ====
'-----//--|| '-----//--|| * || \_( ) //
^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^ ^
beecows Cownan the barbarian
(__) (__)
(oo) (oo)
/-------\/ /-----------------\/
/ | || / | /qwertyuiop \||
* ||----|| * || asdfghjl; ||
^^ ^^ || zxcvbnm,./ ||
sliced cow ^^ ^^
( )
/ || ||
* ||------||
|| ||
( ) || ||
(oo) || || | | |
/--------\/ || || || || || ||
/ || || || || || || || ||
* ||------|| || || || || * ||------||
|| || || || || || \ || ||
|| || || || || || \--------/\
|| || || || || || (oo)
^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ( )
high cow very high cow broken very high cow
__ (__)
(__) (__) (oo)
(\/) (oo) < vv >
/-------\/ /-------\/____) / \
/ | || / |______ | | /| |\
* || || || || __ / |( )| \
____||_____||_____/ _______ / ||""||\ \
cow san /___||__||_*_\
Ge-cow-logist ~~ ~~
Cownt Dracula
(__) ( )
* ' (OO)' (00) //
\_/-------\/ ' ___ \/___//
|| ||_. ' /---\_/---\
%_/ ~-----\ ------------------
~ l l
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ l ll ll l
// // // / / | \\ \ \ \\\ l v v l
- -
Cow on a hot tin roof A 'cow'ntant
\ ,_________________./ /
(__) -/.__________________ -
oo ) \ (__) / \
_!_/_ \ (oo) /
!--!-\___/ !\ \.\/./
!__! ! ! \ | |
\___/ * | |
/ W \ / | |
! ! o / / / \'
! ! /|\/' | \
______/_\_________________|______\ _____
Cow from ^ ^
Velke Popovice Brewery David and Cowliath
. .
. . . __ __
. ||______________________||
. . || __________________ ||
/ || | (__) | ||
. . / || | (oo) | ||
| -|| | _\/_ | ||
. . \ || |=---------/(())\-\| ||
(\ |\-----------------------\
. (\ || \_______________________\
\|| | |
. \| | (O) |-----------| (O) | .
\ | |-----------| | .
. \ | PETERBILT | .
\| |
. (=========================)
|_||_| |_||_|
. \
. \
Beach or bust!
++++++++++ ************************ ^^^^^^^^^^^
++++++++++ ************************ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
++++++++++ ************************ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
++++++++++ ************************ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
++++++++++ ************************ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
*********************************** \ /
*********************************** \ /
*********************************** \ /
*********************************** \ /
\ ^(__) /
\ / (@@) /
82nd Cowborne Cowtrooper \|__\/__
| | |
| | |
/ \ \__*
| |
^ ^
| U. S. Federal Prison |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | |^ | (__) | ^| | | | | | |
| | | | | | \| (00) |/ | | | | | | |
| | | | | | \__\/__/ | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | |-| | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | / \ \_ | | | | | | |
| | | | | | |/ \| \* | | | | | |
| | | | | | ^ ^ | | | | | | |
Former Panamanian General "I'm not a Mule" Manny Cowiega
---.---.---.-------.---|.-- ---------|---|----
--.-.---.---- (__) -----.---.---|-
-|---|- __) (++)___ -----.---|---
----| ^\ ^\ (xx) ___\//---^ -----.---|--
----- | \____\_\/ / \ \_____ ---.---
========= - \_____/\ ^ . \_/____ ^ -====
. - - / \ ' ^ . - .
\ / . ^ - \
' ^ ' ' '
Former despot Romanians Nicolae and Madame Cow-cescu
(OO) __
\/ |__|
// \ |
// \ \ |
^^ \// \ |
-----------------------/ Panama \
----------------------/ or \
/ Bust! \
/ \
/ \
\ /
M1 Abrams Cow Commander
(__) *
(OO) |
\/ |
// \ -----
// \ \ / \
^^ \// \ / \
// \ | |
--^^------ * / \
\ ____ / / / \
|||||| | \ |
|||||| / \ \
|||||| | / |
|||||| /___________\_______\
|||||| /
|||||| (_/)
__||||||||__ (@@)
| .,....,. | \/
| ...,.,.. |
------------ Cow Bell (or the Liberty Cow Bell)
The Acowdemy Award
| ________________________________________________________ |
| 10 ) T H E U N I T E D S T A T E S O F A M E R I C A ( 10 |
| / ........... ____ \ |
| | / \ A10806726C | |
| | 1 (A) | (__) | ___ __ __ 1 | |
| | | (oo) | | |_ |\ | | |
| | A10806726C | _\/_ | | |__ | \| | |
| | 1 .......... \//;;/\/ ........... 1 | |
| \ ......... _______________ ........ / |
| 10 )___________________/ TEN DOLLARS \____________________( 10 |
|______________________________________Abortion Rally calls__________|
>>>----> *___ ______
\ __|_**_|__
>>>----> \ | . . |
\ _______________\ /
* ( | | US CALV| \o/
>>>----> / /\ |_________| \--|
( / / \ \__________\_\ ---||
>>>----> . ( ) / / \ \ \ \ |*|
. / / \ \ \ \
. /* \ \*\ \*\
The CALVelry COWard
| | . .
vv vv __|__|__ \ /
||----|| * \00/ \__/
|| | / /-----------C\/C (oo)
/\-------/ / | CCCC /-------\/
(oo) / ||_________CCCC / | ||
(~~) * || || * ||----||
nn nn ^^ ^^
Australian view of a
North American Cow Abraham Lincow This cow belongs
to "My Favorite Martian"
(__) (__)
(oo) (oo)
(__) >------\/------< >------\/------<
(oo) | | | | | | | |
>------\/------< | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | || | | | | || | |
| '____' | | '----' | | '-OO-' |
'--|--|--' '--|--|--' '--|--|--'
| | | | | |
^ ^
^ ^ ^ ^
"FLASHER" calf "FLASHER" steer "FLASHER" bull
(Big Mac)
(_____) _____________
\0 0/ / \
_________(o o) XXXXXXXXXXXXX
/ | U | \_____________/
* | /______ _ |
|| || || ||
this is a cow... this is a cow on drugs
Any questions??
\---) (__) *
|o o) ==== /
(---\o/--\ /-------\/ (___)--------|/
| |#| ) | / | || (o o) ||
| |#| ) | * ||-||-|| YY ( )-||--I--||
^ |#| ) ~ ^^ ^^ ^^ ||--I--||-( ) ^^
//--\ || ^^(o o)--<
// | \ This cow is from Mars. /|--------(---)--<
|| * | /
^^ ~ * "69"
* * *
* * (__) *
* _--_ ( oo) *
_- )\ '|
* /| ) _ \ \ ~~ * *
/ \ \-- \ \
*-' // / > >
> >
/ / *
/ / *
_ _ -- _ _
/ \ *
* / _ _ _ \
| / \| *
| |
* | | * *
| |
| | *
| \_ _ _ /|
\ /
* \ _ _ _ / *
(__) \__\/__/
{}\ (oo) l l
/----\----\/ l__l
/ | \ |\ / l__\
* || >-+-\ <\ / /
|| | ())))) \ \ ))))))
^^ ^ / )))) \ \))))))
/ \ / (
bum steer ~~~~ \ / ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
(~~) V __ (__) (__)
/--------\/ | / \ (oo) (oo)
* | | ----: /-- --\/ /-------\/ {BIG MAC}
>--: |----| / | || / | |---/
| | * ||-----|| * ||----|
^ ^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^
beef jerky cowsimodo cownibal
-<| CUD \
(__)// / ((|))
(oo)/ ($ $)
\// /-------\_/ *
/ | / | ||__<i
__ | | * ||----|
* \| _| ^^ ^
/ |
/ | New Kow on the Block
^ ^ (note lighter in hoof)
CUD missile launcher
///||| |||
*** ||||||---|||
^^^^^^ ^^^
where milkshakes come from
| ___________ | | |
| (__) ( You know, ) | (__) ________ | (__) ______ |
| (oo) ( Kentucky ) | (oo)( How do )| (oo) ( )|
| /-------\/ ( cows are ) |---\/ ( they )| \,,/ ( MOOF )|
| / | || (bucktoothed) | || \( talk? )|/-------\/ \ ( )|
| * ||----|| \ /---------- |--|| \/------- | | || \/------ |
| ^^ ^^ \/ | ^^ | ||----|| |
| | | ^^ ^^ |
------------------------------------------------------------------ J.B.--
Cowmic Strip
| \___________________________
| ___________________________
| / /
| | /
| | /
| | (__) /
| | (oo) /
| | _\/_ /
| | / ==%
| | / ==%
| | *---<_ / /
| | / /
| | / /
| | ~ ~
| |
| | Moowgli
| |
/ \
(__) . . . . (---)
\oo/ . . .. . (-------(----)----( ) *
/;;\ . . . (__) ( ( ) )(x x)_____/
\__| |__/ . . . (oo) \ OO---------OO-/ O \_/\/\/
|%%%%| //-------\/ OOOOOO OOOOOO / \
~ ~ // | U M || OOOOOO OOOOOO . .
~ ~ ** ||----||
grandcow is ^^ ^^ Argyle cow about to be hit by
sitting Go Blue Cow an armored personnel carrier
(o ======]
------- )
| || __0 \\\||||///
| || () _____ = 00000000 = <----- radioactive waste
Cow after biology major Cow after Physics Major
is finished with it is finished with it
| |
| |
(__)| |
(__) (__) (@@)| |
(oo) (oo) |\/-===< |
/-------\/ *____-------\/ | | |
/ | || // // | | |
* ||----|| >='/-----// /\|___===< |
__^^____^^__/ ___^_____^^__/ __oo____*o__. | |
oo oo oo oo '////\\\\
Cow on skate-board Cow at running Cow without skate-board
(watch out!)
© 1997 David A. Bader.