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PARTY(1)                     USER COMMANDS                  PARTY(1)
     party - set OS responses mode
     party ON|OFF|WHEREIS [ - ] dnv
     Operating  systems  being  what they are,  the admin people can
     easily  grow tired of  command responses that resemble dyslexic
     eugene-speak   filtered   through   Kernighan   and   Ritchie's
     collective  back-brains.  To alleviate this, we have included a
     slightly  more  `casual'  mode,  in  which the responses to all
     commands  are  first filtered  through  a  customising  routine
     (DUDE),  which  makes them  sound a little more  friendly while
     retaining  their  full  information   content  (usually).   The
     rooted(c)  system prompt is  changed to  `What now,  dude?' and
     output from each command is terminated by `No problem, dude.'
     v        Verbose mode  (ALL  Penix  commands  have  a `verbose'
              mode).  When  this  option  is  present,  all filtered
              responses are  preceeded  by a message: `This response
              has been parsed by the DUDE filter and is not intended
              to be some sort of sleazy come-on.'
     d        Don't  restart  all  processes  after  recompiling the
              /uselss/libs/eugene file (see below).   This alows any
              important tasks to complete beforehand.
     n        Notify  all  users  that  they  are about to be force-
              logged out and force-logged in again.
     ON       Activates the DUDE filter.
     OFF      De-activates the DUDE filter.
     WHEREIS  Doesn't do anything, but we couldn't resist it.
             %-)  party on
 What now, dude?
 To compare  the differing responses, here is output provided by the
 ispi -s command, with party OFF and party ON:
party OFF
  line     who       why                        how long   killable
  000      rooted    that's you, dweeb!         epoch      no
  00F      wp        she's supposed to be       0:44:12    eminently
                     typing up the end of
                     financial year report,
                     but she's been doing her
                     resume when she thinks
                     no-one's watching.
  014      maint     playing games, as usual    0:51:16    only just
party ON
 Well,  let's see who's on, eh?  There's you, of course, on line 000
 (Imagine that!  Hahaha!)  Oh look,  on serIOus line 00F,  it's that
 cute little secretary - looks like she's lost her keyboard template
 again, she's been hitting the escape key for the past five minutes!
 AND  OF  COURSE, the  guys  down in maintenance are playing `cosmic
 ballcrushers'.   As  usual.   Well,  who  else,  um,  no-one really
 interesting like,  ya know, oh hang on,  DTR is toggling on serIOus
 line 03D.. oh, no problem, it's that stuffed modem again.  You want
 maybe I should send  some AMail to maintenance  and get 'em to look
 at it?   No problem, dude.
 What now, dude?
 /uselss/libs/bill&ted/DUDE     This  is  the pipe process,  usually
                                started  at system shoe,  which lies
                                idle until party ON is issued.
 /uselss/libs/eugene            Contains all of the ordinary, ho-hum
                                confusing   computer   -   jargonese
                                responses  which commands ordinarily
                                issue.  Text file.
 /uselss/libs/eugene.spoo       compiled version of the eugene file.
 /uselss/libs/bill&ted/lexicon  Like the eugene
 file, this is a text
                                file  containing  all responses from
                                ordinary  commands.  It replaces the
                                eugene  file   when  `party  ON'  is
                                issued,  and  causes   an   OI_MOOSH
                                message   to   be   issued   to  the
                                WHATS_ALL_THIS_THEN   daemon,  which
                                then  freezes  all  currently active
                                tasks,  recompiles  the  eugene file
                                and  restarts  all serIOus processes
                                with  output  directed  through  the
                                DUDE filter.
 /ho_hum/eugene.chex            Checksum  for  the  compiled  eugene
     crp(1), stuffio(2), doobrie(9), gouge (3), ftang(65534),
     wi(-1), edmond(29), jumpstart(2), vo_mit(992)
     The n option can be slow.
     If  the n option is issued,  some users in a wi editing session
     may not  receive the  `warning, restart imminent' message until
     after the restart.
     There is no way selectively to follow symbolic links.
     If   you  alter   the  /uselss/libs/bill&ted/lexicon  file  and
     manually  compile  it  with  the vo_mit recursed text compiler,
     the checksum which is ordinarily  output  to /uselss/der/ttbowl
     should be  retrieved and appended to /ho_hum/eugene.chex.  This
     does  not happen automatically,  and is expected to be fixed at
     the next revision of the operating system (snicker).

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Sunburne Computer, Inc. 9 October 1991
[email protected]. Last update: Sunday, June 16, 1996