Starring: Johnny Lee Miller, Kate Libby, Angelina Jolie
Content: Profanity, brief male butt shot, serious Crimes of Fashion
Rating: 4
Summary: A group of young hackers are framed for attempting to extort
5 million dollars from a large corporation and must use all their skills to clear their
names and catch the bad guy, a rogue hacker working for the company.
A visually interesting movie, but not much more than that. Computer professionals (such
as yours truly) will understand most of the terminology, but I heard a lot of comments
along the lines of "I didn't understand what was going on." Several other
 | The hacking graphics were OK, but weren't even CLOSE to reality. |
 | This cyberpunk look does nothing for me. The female hacker wears too much makeup and
looks like she's been attacked by a plastics factory. YUCK... |
 | Those kids definitely need lives! I mean, drooling over a 28.8K modem? Please!! |
Overall: not that great. One bright spot: Penn Jillette (of "Penn &
Teller" fame) makes an apperance in this film as a computer security officer.
Further Info (IMD) |