Guestbook Entries 2001

Name: Dick <expletive deleted>
HomeTown: <expletive deleted>ville
Travel: <expletive deleted> central pa
Date: 11/26/01
Time: 12:08:40 AM
Your photos really <expletive deleted> and nobody around here likes them
so <expletive deleted> you silly litlle(sic) <expletive
(Originally repeated 4x)
Geoff Responds:
*Sigh*. Another fine product of the U.S. Educational System.
Congratulations on your graduation from kindergarten, sir.

Name: Laurence Zrinzo
HomeTown: Malta
Travel: London or Rome
Date: 11/12/01
Time: 2:18:21 PM
Hi,My Name is Laurence Zrinzo and my age is 31.My hobby is collected Japanese Comics
and draw comics. My job is salesman in artshop.If you want to know about me,go to my
wibesite: http//
So if it possible I prefer from my country.
Geoff Responds:
Had a look: nice artwork!

Name: Michio
HomeTown: Nagoya/Japan
Date: 11/7/01
Time: 7:09:17 AM
Hello Friend,
I enjoyed your website very much.
I'm a Japanese guy and my wife is Korean. We used to live in Korea and UK, and now live
in Nagoya, Japan. Please let me introduce my website, which introduce history of our
family with many pictures. If you can enjoy the contents, and leave some comments in the
guestbook, we will be very happy.
Geoff Responds:
I'd be glad to! Thanks for visiting!

Name: <i>boeuf</i>
HomeTown: <i>Compton</i>
Travel: <i>LA</i>
EMail: "><i>zippity</i>
Date: 10/8/01
Time: 6:15:25 PM

Name: james shotts
HomeTown: gulfport,ms
Travel: mexico
Date: 9/7/01
Time: 11:59:33 AM
Did you family come from PA. or Al.
Geoff Responds:
Not that I know. I went to college in
Pittsburgh, though. Of course, my family is scattered all over the place: counting
just my immediate relatives, that includes Illinois, Oregon, Ohio, and California.
Going back farther, it looks like I have mostly Irish and German roots.

HomeTown: ceritos
Date: 8/23/01
Time: 5:31:48 PM
there are gangs in cerritos
Geoff Responds:

Name: Take Kazumiya (Male:24)
HomeTown: Tokyo Japan
Travel: Australia & Taiwan
Date: 8/23/01
Time: 3:24:50 AM
Hi Geoff, Wonderful & Cool Travel Guide of Japan !! Much more attractive scenario
than real scenery of Tokyo. You must vist Japan frequenty and make your debut as a travel
fiction writer ( a new genre novelist )in Japan. Don't know what you are now but you must
be talented in writing. Waiting for further uploading soon, since coudn't see Sushi, ,
Akihabara, Fishmarket, Kayak. Meantime, "Miya" ( your Japanese friend ) appears
to be my uncle, dosn't he ? I thought he had lost a job, family and friends due to living
in kayak. Good Luck ! by Take.

Name: Cathy Still
HomeTown: Littleton, Colorado
Date: 6/29/01
Time: 4:06:47 PM
I love your web site -- especially the humor section. I am currently interning at
AT&T Research Labs and showed your mathematics
glossary to one of the professional mathematicians here. He said it was absolutely
correct except that he would add "but doesn't remember who." to your meaning for
"it is well known". He also added that he has seen "left as an exercise for
the diligent student" as an equivalent to "the diligent student can show".
I thought you might be interested to hear what one of the pros thought!
Geoff Responds:
Thanks, Cathy! I'm always happy to get professional help. :-)

Name: Sophia
HomeTown: Westport, CT
Travel: Mediterranean Cruise
Date: 6/1/01
Time: 9:45:09 PM
Enjoyed your site. I will be reading your cruise report in detail. We are going to
Mediterranean cruise RCCL Rome - Rome and will visit Greek Isles. Thank you for the
informative report. Sophia
Geoff Responds:
Unfortunately I haven't been able to update my cruise report as fast as I'd hoped:
actual real-world work keeps getting in the way. Have a fantastic time on
your cruise!!

Name: Alison
HomeTown: Georgetown/Wash, DC
Travel: ***
Date: 5/6/01
Time: 4:44:40 AM
Hey Geoff! Wonderful web site!!! I greatly enjoyed looking at pictures of our trip and
your other trips! After I saw the pics of the sting rays and turtles, I completely regret
not going on the tour! The pics from Carlos and Charlies were so funny! On that cozumel
page there are round symbols at the top.. I bought two rings and a bracelet with those
symbols -do you know what do they represent? I looked at some of your other trips. The
pictures from africa were amazing! The rainbow over Vicoria Falls was beautiful!!! Well, I
have some cute pics for you... you might have similar ones, but I'll email you a few! See
Ya Later! Ali

Name: Melissa
HomeTown: Los Angeles
Travel: Azores
Date: 3/26/01
Time: 1:22:22 PM
Comments rules the earth. your site is kewl too...

Name: Anthony
HomeTown: Manly (Aus)
Travel: Cairns to Sydney
Date: 3/13/01
Time: 6:43:48 AM
Hi there ... read your aussie trip - looks good. You did the coast in 9 days? Am doing
it in June over 17 days. I hope to take lots of pics and set up a website simialr to
yours. Congrats on putting it together ... happy travels ant ps. am hoping am not the lone
aussie - but no worries if i am.

Name: Jim LaCelle
HomeTown: Orwell, NY
Travel: USA
Date: 2/19/01
Time: 3:02:48 PM
I just read Julane Marx's humo(u)r column today where she quotes your "God is a
structured Programmer". As a retired former programmer, I can really appreciate it.
I'm bookmarking your site. Thanks.
Geoff Responds:
Thanks for the kind words, Jim! I can't take credit for the "God as a Computer Programmer" bit, though: I
found that years ago in college (late 80's - early 90's) floating around on the internet
(when we didn't have any fancy-schmancy web browsers: we had to use FTP and Gopher, and we
were HAPPY! :-)

Name: Kylie
HomeTown: Right now, Lausanne Switzerland - usually Australia or Canada
Travel: Africa - Grand Safari
Date: 1/13/01
Time: 5:08:45 PM
Hi Geoff
Just had a read through your diary of Desert and Delta, because in July I am going on
the Grand Safari, which includes that tour. I really liked your diary/album and appreciate
your decision to "open" your thoughts to the public! Thank you and happy

Name: Madelaine Stassen
HomeTown: Johannesburg - S.A
Date: 1/3/01
Time: 2:49:55 AM
He there,
Nice pictures!
Thought I'd say hello (as I am from South Africa - the poluted Johannesburg Nice to know you enjoyed the trip to SA.
I am still saving *sigh* to be able to go on a Contiki Tour - might happen next year.
*holding thumbs*
You take care ... and by the way - did you find that girlfriend you're hoping for?
Bye-bye Madelaine
Geoff Responds:
Keep saving: Contiki tours are lots of fun!
No girlfriend yet, though I am taking applications: interested in the job? :-)