Quick Summary: Lara Croft: archaeologist, heiress, ass-kicker.
Finding a mysterious clock in the walls of her mansion, she sets out on a quest to find a
mysterious artifact that gives its owner unlimited power. Naturally, there are those
who would find it first...
A question kept running through my mind as I watched this film: "Are those
real?" And by "those" I mean Ms. Jolie's lips. Exactly how many
collagen implants has she had, anyway?
But I digress.
Tomb Raider is based on the popular series of video games of the same name (and for the
record, which I have never played). It's the latest in a series of films and TV
shows based on electronic entertainment. While Tomb Raider is certainly several
notches above the truly awful "Super Mario Brothers"
or even "Pokemon", it's
still a flawed film.
The good parts: several good action sequences. A great F/X laden scene where
ancient statuary coming to life. Oh yeah, and stuff blows up real good. Even
the butler gets in a few shots. Speaking of the butler: he's played by Chris Barrie
(a.k.a Arnold Judas Rimmer), and he's not the smeg-head he plays in Red Dwarf, either.
However, despite these fun action sequences, (including the fun opening scene) I found
myself getting bored when the shooting stopped: the exposition and character development
(such as it was) dragged on far too long. I don't have anything against plot, mind
you, but the start-stop-start of the action made me feel like I was trapped in rush-hour
Wait for a cheap matinee or video rental.
Further Info